Artichoke of Montoro, in the province of Avellino, is a product with exceptional qualitative characteristics. The cultivation techniques of this species include the transplanting of the plant and a very low use of synthetic chemicals, this crop needs frequent irrigations. In the areas around Montoro, in fact, the cultivation of this artichoke has developed mainly in the whereabouts of two local water sources, whose waters in the past were sufficient to irrigate the whole area of the Plain. A particular aspect of the cultivation of this vegetable is the practice of covering the little heads with a terracotta cup to defend them from the damaging chill. Carciofo di Montoro is sold fresh, mainly locally, after being gathered in small bunches. The best way to cook it is grilled, and dressed with oil, salt, garlic and a pinch of parsley thanks to its tenderness and the absence of thorns and also to its scent.